Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Did Say

that the computer would be off all day. But Glitter just doesn't care.

Happy Valentine's Day Ladies!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

6,543 miles

Since my Valentine is eight time zones away for the holiday this year, here are my plans.

Tomorrow is my day. Pedicure, movie, lunch, massage. All alone. I've never said "table for one." We'll see how that goes. Maybe I'll chicken out and sneak my lunch into the movie.

Saturday will be Glitter's day. I'm getting her a tiny little wrist corsage--she loves flowers. We'll make and decorate cupcakes and do whatever else she wants to do. The computer will be off all day long. I'm all hers until she says, "Go away Mama." Yes, she says that.

I hope everyone enjoys their Love Day. Hold your men extra close this year.

Can I just cry?

My shirts arrived today and MY cop shirt is missing. :( :( :( All the other ones are here, but it kinda ruined the whole "cop" theme for Vday. I called customer service, but they don't think they can get it here in time for Vday.


Monday, February 9, 2009


"Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?"