Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's this??

I'm trying to come up with cool ideas for Valentines Day. I have a few but I'm either too poor or I've done it before. So... here is a sneaky blog to post ideas on. Don't post any ideas you don't want stolen.:)
HOLD THAT THOUGHT- I meant to make y'all authors and not just readers. Gimme a minute...


  1. Great idea!! I can use all the help I can get!

  2. I don't want to be a part of this unless I'm an author. I'm sorry. I have my limits.

  3. You're a nerd Nobo. I sent you an invite to be an author. I think I sent everyone an invite to be an author after I screwed up and only invited y'all to read. My bad.

  4. I love this idea! Oooo I have some up my sleeve. Can I post some steamy ideas? Or is this a G-rated blog?

  5. Hello- TORI started this blog!!
    Steamy! Steamy! Steamy! Steamy!

  6. Tori, you are brilliant! And it looks like I get to see some bloggers that I haven't for a while! YAY YOU! YAY ME!

  7. Great idea, Tori! I'll get my gushy-mushy love-cap on!

  8. Tori rocks. I'm good with steam, but I'll just be jealous.

    I'm going to need ideas for a husband that is about 7000 miles away.
